… taming …

Everything alive is curious, humans excel in this trait. When meeting up with something we haven’t come across we ask … is it worth knowing: is it important, useful, is it friend or foe? Getting to know something is a kind of taming. We energise what we tame, and attempt to exert control over it, be it elements, animals, people, or ideas. Then again, when for innumerable reasons, which include changing priorities or attitudes, interest fades; we withdraw our energy from what we tamed.

Take this vat. Not having held water for some time – its wood shriveled.

a dried-up vessel

lacking its soulful function

becomes an icon

an exquisite memory

or inspiration

where in beauty of decay

new dreams incubate

as nature’s purpose rotates


Getting older sparks such contemplation, and the reassurance that a formidable self-regulating force is in charge of life – nature and its cycles of birth, death and rebirth.

Despite every greedy effort to control nature, there is ample proof it will only work for life if we honour the spirit behind the delicate interdependencies of its cyclic system, which in its wisdom continuously expands the consciousness of the one and only being.

‘Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.’ Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī


Filed under Blog

16 responses to “… taming …

  1. Nature is the reaason man has come this far.
    He better learn or he will regret it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rob Leech

    Thankyou for this rush of the air of freedom Ashen. Wind blowing through a ruined old house, rain pelting out the rythmn of what has passed and what is to come.
    Change is an illusion according to Einstein’s General Relativity. The future is a place already waiting for us. The new dwelling was already built and decayed before the Big Bang.
    Just back in the bosom of my Zulu family after 10 days in the bush in proximity to thorns, lions, leopards, mosquitoes, elephants, rhinos, hyenas, a violent electric storm and, most intimately, to TICS!
    Oh Mother Nature!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Rob. Glad to hear you’ve been welcomed in the wilderness again. Interesting, and ironic that tiny tics surpass the impact of big beasts, evading control. Take care. Sending best wishes to your Zulu friends.


  3. Alice Temple-Bruce

    Thank you Ashen for your words and Rumi’s xx Alice


  4. Beautiful, Ashen. I love what you say about a need to “honour the spirit.” Doing this does put so much into perspective…. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Barbara. Yes, it should be obvious when looking at our planet from outer space, which confirms our oneness inside. When I saw the first image of the splendorous earth rise, I thought humanity would wake up.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. There is a certain thrill in the beauty of dilapidation.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A beautiful post, Ashen. Too many of us forget the importance of standing to look: this is a lovely reminder. Do like your response to the barrel.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Really interesting thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

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