… guiding spirits & stones …

Contemplating buzzwords relating to my soon to be published novel, Course of Mirrors, I thought I make a start with guiding spirits, or angels.

We each have one, so ancient, such intimate presence, so discreet and soft spoken, we fail to notice. My protagonist forgets hers, despite obtaining an object of remembrance she takes on her journey as talisman – a shiny black stone, polished by the elements,  holding aeons of memory and embodying her first encounter with spirit in matter, the invisible in the visible:

“I was bridge, river, riverbed and water falling from the cliff, the aria of water. I was air, breeze and water dust rising. I was mirror to mirrors yet looked from beyond mirrors. Behind my eyes a truth flashed.”

When, seemingly by chance, she does remember her treasure, a timeless power is released, the miraculous happens, aligned with nature’s power to transform.

‘All time is contained in now.’ – Meister Eckhart

‘Time is eternity living dangerously.’  – John O’ Donohue

These related posts open new pages, so you don’t lose this one:

Oh my sweet crushed angel.

The magic of remembrance.



Filed under Blog

4 responses to “… guiding spirits & stones …

  1. Lovely thoughts, angels and spirit guides, talismans and miracles. We are in need of such stuff aren’t we.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As a child, I never felt lonely. Whether through early religious teachings or just imagination, there was always someone by my side.
    Today, I embrace being alone. Although not aware of any spiritual support, the trust and comfort afforded to me must be contributed to by those same childhood learnings.B


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